Ultimate Selenium Cheat Sheet: Your Guide to Test Automation Mastery


In the fast-paced world of software development, ensuring the quality of applications is crucial. Selenium has emerged as one of the leading tools for test automation, enabling developers and testers to automate web applications for testing purposes. In this comprehensive…

A Comprehensive Guide to REST Assured for API Testing

Dummy Blog Image

“Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the best API of them all”. We hardly have any memory left of the time when we didn’t use Rest APIs for development of Web and Mobile applications. They have indeed helped reduce…

Unveiling GraphQL: The Future of API Development

what is graphql

Introduction In the ever-evolving world of web development, efficient data retrieval and manipulation are paramount. As applications grow in complexity, traditional RESTful APIs often fall short in meeting the dynamic needs of modern applications. Enter GraphQL, a revolutionary query language…

Dockerize a SpringBoot application

docker part 3 real hands-on

Kill the application and let the container be spawned. Maester Aemon, our Docker guru Introduction Alice, our QA was really excited to share her new discovery, the Docker. She was lucidly explaining to her colleague Sarah what docker is and…

Quick start Apache Kafka with KafkaJS for Real-Time Data Streaming


Introduction In our previous blog, we introduced Kafka & explained the usecase of it. Apache Kafka is an open-source distributed streaming system used for stream processing, real-time data pipelines, and data integration at scale. It promises high throughput, fault tolerance, and…